May 18 Agenda
9:00am-10:05am: Promoting Food Donation, Recycling, and Food Scraps Diversion in Health Inspections (Heather Billings, RecyclingWorks)
10:05am-11:05am: Stressed Out? Moving Forward During a Pandemic (Wendy Botelho & Pam Bolarinho, Child and Family Services)
11:05am-1:00pm: Camp Update & Christian's Law (Dave Williams, Kerry Wagner, & Amy Riordan, MA Department of Public Health)
May 26 Agenda
9:00am-10:25am: Tears to Motivate Us (Dr. David Dyjack, National Environmental Health Association)
10:25am-10:50am: MEHA Awards & Elections
10:50am-11:00am: Group 2 Retirement for Health Professionals (Jack Morris)
11:00am-12:00pm: What's Cookin'? Residential Kitchens & Cottage Foods Operations (Pamela Ross-Kung, Safe Food Management)
Members: $40
Non-Members: $60
Members: $25
Non-Members: $35
Members: $25
Non-Members: $35
CEUs/Contact Hours
May 18
MA RS/MA CHO: 4.8 contact hours
REHS/RS: 4 contact hours
RN (pending): 3.6 contact hours
May 26
MA RS/MA CHO: 2.8 contact hours
REHS/RS: 2.3 contact hours
RN (pending): 1.6 contact hours
CP-FS: 1 contact hour