MEHA supports incoming local public health professionals who are passionate about public health challenges and those who are interested in discovering innovative solutions to these issues. MEHA believes in providing the opportunity to attend NEHA’s Annual Educational Conference (AEC), allowing new professionals to discuss current and looming environmental health issues, engage in environmental trainings, and build lasting networks.
The MEHA Emerging Professionals Scholarship is awarded to a MEHA member who has practiced in the public health sector for less than five years. Preference will be given to those who have never attended the AEC. This year two scholarships will be awarded. The first scholarship will cover NEHA’s AEC full conference registration fee, one year NEHA membership, travel expenses, and hotel stay for the conference. A second scholarship will award one year NEHA membership and a virtual full conference attendance.
Applications must include:
- 300-500 word essay describing the opportunity gained for an emerging public health professional and how it has enhanced their practice in their local community
- Current resume
- Employment verification from current employer showing date of hire
The scholarship recipient must be willing to present for 30 minutes about their AEC experience at an upcoming MEHA conference. The presentation should cover any new skill sets that can be learned at the AEC and how the attendance impacted their profession.
The submission deadline for applications for the 2022 NEHA Annual Educational Conference Scholarship is May 13, 2022.
Please email completed applications to [email protected].
The scholarship committee will contact the recipient immediately following the deadline and will announce the awardee on the MEHA website.